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2020-07-15 13:33:02

导语:现在很多的学生都存在追星的行为。到底追星有什么利弊呢?以下是小编为大家收集的一篇以追星为话题的英语。供大家参考阅读。希望喜欢。 以追星为话题的英语作文 Nowadays, star worshiping is popular among teenagers, especially many university students.

Why? When it comes to the symptoms of worshiping a star, the main factor I d like to mention is imitation. With a blind love for their idols, teenagers firmly believe that their choices are the best. As a result, the stars clothes, hairstyles and hobbies, as well as their behaviors in public, are closely observed or followed, though, to some extent, they may be considered improper or even ridiculous.

In my opinion, having idols is not a bad thing. However, we should make it clear who are the real heroes . As far as I am concerned, the real heroes are those who are making the most contributions to our society, such as teachers, doctors and scientists. As students, we should learn from them. Only in this way can we become useful persons in the future.



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