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2020-07-17 08:54:01

www.ruiwen.com 人物类英语作文

To be able to motive yourself, or self motivation, occurs when a person has the desiwillingness to do something and is internally motivated to do it.

Sometimes it s very difficult to get ourselves moving and achieve what we want to achieve. The natural inclination is to procrastinate. Life just seems to get in the way. There is a job to go to, a house to clean, groceries to do, television to watch whoops!

I guess we get pretty good at finding excuses to not get started on an exercise routine, reading a new book or cleaning out that closet.

The fact is that we are creatures of routine and habit. However, once we allow ourselves to get into the habit of doing something, it s no longer a struggle and we may even end up enjoying it.

When we were young most of us probably didn t like bathing or brushing our teeth but as it became habit, we no longer thought about it, we just did it.

So what can we do to motivate ourselves to accomplish our goals?

For starters we can do some critical thinking and ask ourselves what will happen if we don t develop a particular habit. What will the consequences be if we neglect to do so?



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