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基本学习技能的重要性 The Importance of the Basic Learning Skills

2020-07-20 08:00:02

The Importance of the Basic Learning Skills


As what is vividly shown in the picture, many college students have the same doubt as the one in the picture that is whether that stuff will be outdated when they graduated and began to work. That stuff, as we can see from the picture, refers to the basic learning skills such as mathematics we learned when we were in primary school. It also reveals a phenomenon in the college that there are a great number of students, who question the practicability of their subjects because they are too simple to be helpful with their occupation afterwards.


Does that mean these subjects are useless? Definitely not. These subjects are like the foundation of a building. Though they are commonplace even invisible, they are of vital importance. Mastering these basic skills we can grasp the fundamental elements of learning ability. As an old saying goes like this, high buildings rise from the ground. Only if we lay a solid foundation, we can t set up a high building. Or in another word, do you think it is feasible to let a person learn English without learning a, b, c?


With all was said above, we can draw a conclusion that the basic learning skills are quite essential to both our whole study and the work we will take after graduation. Thus we should pay more attention to the basic subjects and master the ability required at the further career.




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