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2020-07-22 11:45:01

Next month.I will be 13 years old.On my birthday,I will stay with my family.We will have a lot of things to do.We are going to watch films,play in a park and have dinner in a restaurant.My parents will buy me a new shirt and I am going to wear it on that day.There will be a new film.My birthday is on Sunday.Many people will go to parks on that day.So,it is going to be fun.But my grandfather will not come,because he will be busy on the day.Anyway,I hope my birthday will come soon.It is going to be a nice day.if i have enough money if i have enough money,i will travel for seven days.the fitst day,i will go to beijing.because beijing is the capital city of china.first,i will go to tiananmen square.and then,i will go to the palace museum.then,i will go to my grandparentshouse .i miss them very much.from the third day to the sixth day,i will go to qingdao with my friends.i will go to swim in qingdao.at the last day,i will go on a trip to my city.i want to know my city carefully,I think i will have fun.Next month.I will be 13 years old.On my birthday,I will stay with my family.We will have a lot of things to do.We are going to watch films,play in a park and have dinner in a restaurant.My parents will buy me a new shirt and I am going to wear it on that day.There will be a new film.My birthday is on Sunday.Many people will go to parks on that day.So,it is going to be fun.But my grandfather will not come,because he will be busy on the day.Anyway,I hope my birthday will come soon.It is going to be a nice day.



父亲节祝福语作文 迎国庆贺中秋作文 五年级上册语文第四单元作文 渴望什么作文500字 我心中的一幅画作文 写一篇关于新年的作文 童年的回忆作文四百字 西湖游记作文400字 新年感悟作文600字 关于写人的作文五年级 关于诚信的作文400字 我的同学作文好开头 可爱的小狗作文100字 河源的变化作文 2050年的地球作文 今年吉林高考作文 难得这样作文600字 走进大自然作文600字 成人高考专升本英语作文 我有一个梦作文600字 我爱我家作文450字 快乐春节500字作文 母亲让我自豪作文 写去哪里玩的作文 六年级上册语文第七单元作文 什么也是一种幸福作文 今年中考的作文是什么 关于冬的作文600字 有关科学技术的作文 五一见闻作文600字