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2020-07-24 16:51:02



Since I become a third year student in middle school, I have become much taller than before and also have learned more knowledge which was never taught in my primary school. As a middle school student, I begin to realize what science and literature are. I have to learn physics, chemistry, history, geography and so on. Teachers here are also very helpful. They regard us equally instead of children. I love my middle school and I am fighting for my high school entrance examination.


I am a student, and I have to study English in the school now.

In the past, I did not like English at all. I didn t understand why I should study English while I have decided I will stay in China in the future. Then I found out by chance that watching the original cartoon movies on TV without Chinese translation was of a lot of fun, such as Smurf, SpongeBob SqarePants etc. Besides, some popular computer games also explain your task only in English. Ok, maybe it is good to learn some English.

I said I had decided to stay in China in the future. I want to be an astronaut like Yang Liwei when I grow up. I want to explore the universe.


In the past I was lazy and did nothing but watch TV at home .I was often late for school and was weak in many subjects.But now i am diligent and do well in many subjects .I have received a good grade.In the future I will be better because I have confidence .I would like to try my best to work harder than before.I think I can make great progress.


I was born in Fuxin in 2000,and I was born in a worker s family.My parents love me very much,I love them too.I was happy there.My house was small,but comfortable and warm.There were many photos about my most love my house.There were many things you can do in Fuxin.Fuxin also had many supermarkets,parks and museums.I think Fuxin was good.


My name is mary,now i.m very outgoing,but i used to be quite,so i don,t have maryfriend,i,m very ionly.I usedto have iong hair and Ilike play football.Time go by,now I like swimming and play the piano,I think it,s beautiful.My friend side people sure change.and my teacher also side I get better.I.m very happy.


Two years ago, I was a very naughty and intractable girl. I hated going to school and doing homework, I hated all the teachers. But then somebody came into my life, Mr. Green, my English teacher. He taught me so patiently and showed me how interesting study was. Now I love study and I am good at English. I can even deliver a speech in English! My parents are so proud of me and I just find out that is so amazing to be a good child. I feel so lucky I met Mr. Green. Thank you.








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