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八年级《我的过去 现在和未来》80词英语作文我的过去 现在和未来80词英语作文.谈谈

2020-10-28 08:50:01

my past,now and future The memory of my past always makes me feel sad,because I was not good at wrting in English before.When I had a writing homework ,I always became nervous and my mind was blank all.I had to ask friends on the wed for helping.Of course,I could not get good grades in English. Now,I have changed,I love writing in English and I got a full match in a writing exam last week.My all seccessing is because of my English teasher XXX.SheHetauch me how to writing well and told me the interests of English.I practiced it everyday though I felt a little tired sometimes.Im very happy for my progress. In the future,I think Ill be an English teacher,I know the difficulty of writing in English,so I believe Ill be able to teach students well,and Ill make them love English just like what XXX teacher did for me.

八年级《我的过去 现在和未来》80词英语作文我的过去 现在和未来80词英语作文.谈谈自己现在的生活和学习与过去相比有何变化 自己对未必的学习有何打算



六年级下册优秀作文 三年级上册作文100字 我的烦恼800字作文 有趣的事作文500字 考试考砸了的作文 我的青春我的梦作文 冬天作文600字初中 军考英语作文 川剧变脸作文 第一次坐高铁作文 校园一角300字作文 游什么作文400字 随便写一篇作文 包粽子作文500字 以家乡为主题的作文 中考议论文满分作文 有书真好作文 路在脚下作文 作文我学会了骑自行车 我的愿望作文500字 厦门之旅作文 描写蒲公英的作文 家和万事兴作文 秋作文600字初中 全国中学生作文大赛 高起专英语作文 发现诗意作文 关于科技创新的作文 那一刻我流泪了作文 以亲情为题的作文