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2020-08-01 17:57:07

时间:2010 07 28来源:作文地带栏目:作者:原创英语作文 收藏: A summer carnival1 will be held from July 3 to August 31 at Shijingshan Amusement Park in western Beijing. 坐落于北京西部的石景山公园将在7月3日到8月31日举行夏日嘉年华狂欢节。 The carnival blends entertainment with foreign culture through exotic performances2 such as Br

A summer carnival1 will be held from July 3 to August 31 at Shijingshan Amusement Park in western Beijing.坐落于北京西部的石景山公园将在7月3日到8月31日举行夏日嘉年华狂欢节。The carnival blends entertainment with foreign culture through exotic performances2 such as Brazilian dances, French clown shows, American hip hop dances and daily parades of floats.在嘉年华活动期间还不乏有极具国外名族风情的活动,比如巴西舞、法国马戏表演、美国嘻哈街舞以及每日花车游行活动。Overlooking the capitals western forests and hills, Shijingshan Amusement Park is equipped with up to 100 advanced game facilities, which make it not only a visual joy, but also a recreational experience.在此还可以纵览首都西部森林和小山,石景山游乐园配备有100多个高级游戏Joozone Note:游艺设施.她给我们带来的不仅仅是视觉的享受,而且极具娱乐盛宴。Daytime and nighttime entrance fees are 100 yuan and 60 yuan, respectively. Evening performances start at 6 p.m.白天游园费用是100元,晚上是60元(Joozone Note,you can translate like this:白天和晚上的门票分别为100元和60元),夜游是下午6点开始。


1. 群众饮宴作乐〔尤指天主教国家在四旬斋前一周内之狂欢;通常有化装游行〕;嘉年华会,狂欢节例句They had agreed to see the carnival at Rome that year.他们是约定来参观那一年罗马的狂欢节的。2. 庆祝,欢宴,狂欢3. 巡回旅行的杂技[杂耍]表演4. 节日表演节目,〔美国〕运动比赛,竞赛;博览会5. 狂欢舞会

2exotic performances

1. 执行,实行,履行;完成;实现;偿还Billy is punctilious in the performance of his duties.毕利执行任务总是一丝不苟的。

2. 行为,动作,行动;工作3. 性能;特性 The performance of these instruments is quite different from that of those used to date.这些仪器的性能和迄今所使用的完全不同。

4. 功绩;成绩 A recent study investigated the effects of real exchange rate misalignment and instability on economic performance.最近的一项研究调查了实际汇率失调和动荡对经济实绩的影响。

5. 演奏;弹奏;演出;驯兽等的表演;把戏



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