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2020-08-03 14:03:01

一律的句子。譬如,网络购物无非与save time, convenient, low cost等等。这样写下去就会遇到一堆it is convenient for me to…等等。

我本来 是不想提笔写被写烂的话题的,但又转念一想, 越是简单的话题越要写好才对。理由是,所有复杂的作文其实都是可以在最常见的话题作文里找到原型的。即使针对这样一篇容易写的作文,我也是仔细斟酌并再三修改,希望它又成为自己的一篇满意之作。




Susu:Good to see you!Its been a while since I last saw you.

Zhouzhou:Good to see you too.You look lovely in that dress.Where did you get it?

Susu:I got it online.You know online shopping is quite popular these days.

Zhouzhou:I know.But my friends still prefer to shop in real stores.

Susu:It seems people have different opinions.

Zhouzhou:What do you think?

Susu:I think online shopping is just great.There are thousands of shops and they never close.

Zhouzhou:But in real stores,you can talk to the salespeople and ask questions about the products.

Susu:Well,I think the salespeople always talk too much.Besides,the same thing often costs less online.

Zhouzhou:The product may be cheaper,yet sometimes you have to pay more for the delivery.



2.你更愿意在网上购物还是在实体店购物? 请说明理由不少于两点。




事实:Online shopping and going to physical stores each come with both pros and cons

观点:Susu and Zhouzhou have different opinions and preference



Online shopping and going to physical stores each come with both pros and cons, about which Susu and Zhouzhou held a discussion with different opinions and showed their preference respectively.



Positive side:

1.时间角度:time saving, energy saving, convenient

2.经济角度:affordable, low price

3.选择:seas of commodities, comparison

Negative side:

1. low quality and even fake commodities

2. fraud, hackers, trap



Frankly, online shopping appeals to memore. First, boasting ofgreat convenience, it saves the trouble ofqueuing upor the exhausting journey of searching. Just a click on the mouse allows netizens topurchase their favorite products whenever possible. Besides, online shopping is characterized by providing seas of commodities at affordable prices, which facilitates products comparison and helps make a better decision.



boast of…/ be characterized by…具有什么特征

save the trouble of doing…避免了什么麻烦

Just a click on…allows…这是物称作主语,和allow一起搭配。


First, boasting of great convenience(原因:因为方便), it saves the trouble of queuing up or the exhausting journey of searching(最后几个词是名词短语). Just a click on the mouse allows netizens to purchase their favorite products whenever possible.(拓举例展解释)

Besides, online shopping is characterized by providing seas of commodities at affordable prices, which facilitates products comparison and helps make a better decision. (定语从句表示结果含义)

Despite concerns aboutlow quality and even fake commodities, the rules and regulations which are put in place strictly can effectively send alarm bells ringing. Besides , it is our continuing supervision and improving awareness of threats thatensure a reliable online shopping environment and keep it going on the track.

In view of these, why not embrace online shopping in our daily life?



Online shopping and going to physical stores each come with both pros and cons, about which Susu and Zhouzhou held a discussion with different opinions and showed their preference respectively.

Frankly, online shopping appeals to me more. First, boasting of great convenience, it saves the trouble of queuing up or the exhausting journey of searching. Just a click on the mouse allows netizens to purchase their favorite products whenever possible. Besides, online shopping is characterized by providing seas of commodities at affordable prices, which facilitates products comparison and helps make a better decision.

Despite concerns aboutlow quality and even fake commodities, the rules and regulations which are put in place strictly can effectively send alarm bells ringing. Besides, it is our continuing supervision and improving awareness of threats that ensure a reliable online shopping environment and keep it going on the track.

In view of these, why not embrace online shopping in our daily life?



Possible version one:

Susu and Zhouzhou are having a discussion about the pros and cons of how they want to shop. Susu enjoys online shopping, while Zhouzhou prefers to go to real stores.

I would rather do my shopping online. Firstly, online shopping saves time, money and trouble. We can just stay indoors and buy pretty much whatever we want whenever we want.

There is no worrying about parking, queuing or annoying crowds. Secondly, online shopping expands our purchasing options. We can get a large range of products to choose from and at the best prices thanks to the development of the Internet. Thirdly, most online shops provide excellent customer service and encourage consumers to post product reviews, which not only saves us from the pushy salespeople, but also allows us to make better and easier choices.

As you can see, online shopping comes with many advantages. Therefore, I will always opt for online shopping.

Possible version two:

Susu and Zhouzhou are having a disccusion about the pros and cons of how they want to shop. Susu enjoys online shopping, while Zhouzhou prefers to go to real stores

I‘d like to do my shopping in real shops. In shops, we can examine the product physically touch the fabrics to see if its worth the money, try the coat on to see if it is our size, test the machine to see if it is too difficult to handle. Also we get to ask questions and get real time answers in shops. Especially when we need some professional advice, it makes sense for us to turn to the shop assistant for help. Whats more, if any problems happen after purchase, a face to face communication will make it easier to get our money back. Online shoppers, however, often have trouble finding someone in charge in similar cases

So I would recommend shopping offline, in real shops.









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