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2020-08-08 10:45:01


学习啦思媛 2017 07 18 11:24:30



This summer i want to go to beijing.It s a great pity that i only stay for two days in Beijing that i cannot enjoy every tourist attractions.

But i can still visit the attractions of the most representative. Firstly I am going to the Great Wall which is the longest wall and one of the eight wonders of the world.

It was built by hands only which seems unimaginable.

On the second day i can visit to the Imperial Palace where you can learn more about Chinese history.

It was built in 1406 and there were 24 emperors living in there. And then i can go to Summer Palace or Beihai Park.

Beijing is a modern city as well as a historic city where there are many places worth visiting. Given the chance welcome to travel to Beijing in the future.






This summer I will travel to Changsha and Zhangjiajie with my two friends which is supposed to be a seven day trip.

We will set out on 10th June. Now we have prepared many things snacks and medicines included.

Firstly we will go to Changsha by plane. The tickets are cheap so it s a good choice to save time. We will stay there for two days.

The main goal staying there is to enjoy the delicious food in Changsha. My friend has prepared a map of must tries and I believe they must be good. Then we will go to Zhangjiajie by train.

It s not so far from Changsha taking about five hours to get there. Zhangjiajie is famous for its wonderful mountains.

The sceneries there are amazing that no one should miss. But we will have a tough journey for climbing high mountains which is not easy for us all.

This is why we will stay there for longer. In the end we will go home by train. This is my plan for the journey. I am sure it will be a wonderful and fruitful journey.








My summer holiday begun on July 7th.I love summer holiday because I don t have to go to school and I can enjoy myself with my friends.

I often spend the mornings doing my homework.

And I always watch TV in the afternoon at home because it s very hot outside.And in the eveningI go swimming with my family and then hang out with my friends.I love swimming very much.

My plan for August is travelling.I travel with my family every summer holiday.I like travelling because I can go to different places and meet different people.

Sometimes I make good friends during the journey.And it s very sad to say goodbye to them when the journey ends.




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