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2020-08-08 10:57:01

A specialty of my hometown have a lot of a lot of, let me introduce you to a!On it with a yellow skin, skin potholes, uneven, the skin peeled off, revealing its fruit, its wearing a pink coat, take off his coat you gently, you will find it whiten skin, and a light, fresh scent, if you personally have a taste, sweet and delicious, oh so nice! Friend, do you know what he is? Guess not to come out, Ill give you a riddle about it!Jute child,The red curtains,Living with a white and fat man.Friend, did you guess? And I told you, this is our hometown specialty, peanuts, its role can be big! It can be squeezed, supplement our body is lack of vitamins and minerals, it also has the medical function, it can be blood tonic, it is not only the general, it is very delicious, and its how to eat have several kinds, if eating Fried, put some salt, it is fragrant crisp delicious, such as cooked, it is but one word, "tender" are particularly sweet, it can also make the peanut, peanut crisp... . ? Going about you? .Our hometown specialty and many, many, such as: pear, walnut, cotton, sesame oil... Said also said not over, they are waiting for you to explore!



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