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2020-08-08 11:12:01

Chinese Traditional food is mainly eaten on the New Year. The nian gao is a sweet steamed sticky rice pudding. The zong zi is sticky rice wrapped in reed leaves. The man tou is steamead wheat bread served with meat dumplings.Jiaozi is also a famous Traditional Chinese Food. It can be served by steaming or frying them. The Chinese fried meat balls are prepared by mincing the meat and mixing it with variety of spices. Soya sauce, ginger and wine are its main ingredients. This preparation is eaten together by the family members to show love and care for the family members. The fish balls are also prepared in the same way by using fish instead of meat. A variety of cakes are also made on special occasions. The Nian gao is a delicious cake made of rice flour. It is similar to pudding. The fa gao cake is made from wheat flour. This cake is a symbol of prosperity. Spring rolls are eaten different variety of sauce. They are also known as egg rolls. The filling comes in a variety. The Alabone meat is very tasty .It is also a part of the traditional Chinese food .Pomelo salads are made during festivals. Imperial Chicken, General Tsos Chicken, Hunan Beef are examples of traditional Chinese dishes.



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