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2020-08-09 16:33:01

Lisa is a good girl. She is my best friend. We are students. I know each other very well. Lisa has very long and black hair. Her eyes are very bright. She is thin but not weak. She is smart and active. But sometimes she is quiet. She is very strict with herself. She studies very hard. She wants to enter a good middle school next year. So she always tells me to study hard together. We hope we can get into the same school next year. We have the same hobbies. She likes playing badminton, and I like it too. We like the same music, the same books. Her favourite book is Harry Potter. I like it , too. We often read books together. She is also brave and independent. You know, our parents come to school to take us home every Friday afternoon. But one Friday, I found her go home alone by taxi. I said: “ You are very brave, you are the best.” She said “Thanks”with smile. She tells me she wants to be a nutritionist one day. I think it very hard to be a nutritionist.But she says where there is a will, there is a way. I hope her dream will come true one day. Lisa, you’re my friend. I have to learn from you. I love you.参考英语作文范文。

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  1. 2021-08-17 17:19农夫,山泉,有点甜[上海市网友]IP:3406284941
  2. 2020-04-05 23:03释无意[澳门网友]IP:3389413207


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