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2020-08-09 17:21:01

How to go on well with parents?

It’s difficult for Chinese parents to get along with their children because they expect them to be under their control. Instead of showing dissatisfaction, children should improve the relationship by talking to parents openly, expressing gratitude and sharing responsibilities.

Honestly, like many of my peers, I find it difficult to get along well with my parents. Though it may sound embarrassing, I have to admit that sometimes I am impatient when talking to my parents, without any eye contact. More terribly, I even pretend to obey my parents, while secretly I will do the things that my parents never allow me to do.

In my opinion, the reason why children and their parents can’t get along well is that there is a generation gap between them. On the one hand, parents expect too much on their children. They often set goals which are beyond their children’s capacity. On the other hand, children are dissatisfied with their parents’ way of parenting. Such being the case, greater misunderstandings between parents and children arise.

To improve the relationship, both parents and children should communicate more to better understand each other. And parents should give kids more encouragement instead of complaints. Thus, the relationship can be stabilized.



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