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急求“谋事在人 成事在天”英文演讲稿!因要参加英语演讲比赛 急需一篇以“谋事在人

2020-08-10 15:24:01

Just as the old saying:Man proposes,God disposes.We can never hold everything in our hands.There is always something that we can only affect but not determine.For example,the future.Like a mysterious crystal ball shining in the beautiful sunshine,the future is changing its rays and shadows all the time.As an ordinary people,I’ve got no instinctive insight into the crystal ball’s predictions and my thoughts are so superficial that even the god is smiling at me.But,I do know some simple and obvious unwritten rules.In the dictionary of God,“road” and “travel” have the same meaning.Walking on the road of your life,you may come across many crossroads,yet the choice is unique:The Future is Now.If you want to welcome the future,you have to accept the reality—including both joys and sorrows.Human beings always have a very terrible habit that when they recall the aromatic memories of yesterday,it is only sorrows and pains that impress them most.Whereas joys and happiness are ignored as a rolling up smoke in the breeze.They’ve never considered that the God could have placed a “more” in front of every so called “disastrous sorrow”.Fate,like what the Chinese writer Shi Tiesheng has said,is that,in this complex “world theatre”,every one has his role,which can’t be exchanged at random.And as a fixed player,you have to play on a “Biblical” basis.As the meaning God has shown us:this world,this powerful reality,is a whole that you have to accept,you can’t separate only sorrows or joys from it.We always complain of the injustice and the lack of happiness in our lives,but life,is always emplaced with thorns and traps,it will never be changed by personal ideas.God promise no one honor or happiness.The only thing God can promise us,is HOPE.On the road of life,there is no end or any obvious destinations.But the hope,is always in the front of everyone’s direction.We are all unable to see the future clearly,but we know,future is now,we know,we will get our answers one day—from the permanent silence of the time.Someone said that one’s life has only three days—yesterday,today and tomorrow.Yesterday leaves us abstract memories,tomorrow is nothing but unknown fog,only today,is what we can seize and get what we want from.Like a mysterious crystal ball shining in the beautiful sunshine,the future is changing its rays and shadows all the time.But we really understand what should be done.Because,we have our own crystal balls.Look forward,there is something shining in your eyes—in your eyes,your own crystal balls and,your belief of the future.不妥的地方,你可以自己做做调整

急求“谋事在人 成事在天”英文演讲稿!因要参加英语演讲比赛 急需一篇以“谋事在人 成事在天”为主题的英文演讲稿!希望大家能给出宝贵意见!



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