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求一篇关于课外活动的英语作文!要求:描述一个课外活动的经历 字数在150左右 可以是

2020-08-18 14:03:02

Last Sunday my classmates and I went to help the traffic policemen at the city center. We began to be on duty from 8:00 in the morning. We each wore a red ribbon and held a small flag. The policeman taught us how to guide passengers to cross the roads according to the traffic lights. We learned very quickly and started our duty at once. It was cold and windy outside, but we didnt feel it when we helped those people.It is very good experience for us to work in this way, we helped other people, and we also learn that we must follow the rules when we walk on the roads.

求一篇关于课外活动的英语作文!要求:描述一个课外活动的经历 字数在150左右 可以是学校社团活动 义工或是其他的活动 重点说明活动的过程和你获得的感想



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