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英语作文《我最开心的事》和《我最伤心的事》2篇作文 交代事情的时间和经过 不用太

2020-08-19 15:06:01

我最开心的事In my life, the most happiest event is finish my examination that i have, because i put a lot of efforts and time on to it.Since then, to wait for the exam is the most torture one because youself keep on wondering what and when will happen in mere coming examination.After finish the examination, i can sit and rest quietly in a calm zone to think without pressure. When somebody doing something without external disturbance but with discipline i think is happiest event. 我最伤心的事New year is my favourate,but what I dislike most is the household duties which make me busy than usual. I have to do a lot of washing ,sweeping and cleaning,making all the rooms tidy and buying a lot of daily item .Meanwhile,cooking is also a complex mission because I have to buy many kinds of cooking meterial such as beaf ,chicken,pork and vegetables. All this I have to do is to prepare well for a satisfactory feast .

英语作文《我最开心的事》和《我最伤心的事》2篇作文 交代事情的时间和经过 不用太长 100左右就OK了!



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