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2020-08-22 10:00:01

方位, 路线描述及地方介绍:你的朋友 Thomas 给你发来给你发来 e mail, 想了解 Australia 和 和 Canada 的信息,请你就以下信息给以回复。的信息,请你就以下信息给以回复。1. 面积:Autralia 幅员辽阔,7.7 million 平方公里;Canada 约 约 10 million 平方公里 2.Australia 约 人 口 稀 少约 19 million ; Canada 29 million 。3. 资源:矿产、金属资源丰富。4. 官方语言:Australia 英语 Canada 英语和法语 5. 气候:Australia热 三分之二地区干旱炎热 Canada 多数地区冬季严寒漫长,有积雪多数地区冬季严寒漫长,有积雪 6.: 组成:Australia ; 六个州两个地区;Canada 十个省两个地区。 Dear Thomas, Now I will offer you some information about Australia and Canada, which I hope will help you. Australia is large in size but has a small population.So it is with Canada.Australia ,with an area of 7.7 million square kilometers,has a population of only 19 million and Canada,which covers about 10 million square kilometers,is thinly inhabited by 29 million people.Besides,they are aslo rich in mineral and metal resources. However,Australia is made up of 6 states and 2 terriories and Canada consists of 10 provinces and 2 territories.Much of Canada has long and cold winters with deep snow while two thirds of Australia is hot and dry.Australia’s official language is English and Canada’s are English and French. Yours, David 经典例句及结构背诵: 1. Luoyang is situated/located in the east of Henan province. 2. Shaolin temple lies 15 kilometers northwest to the city of Dengfeng . 3. My flat is on the tenth floor in Building 5 on Redrose Road. 4. My home is /lies at No. 702, Entrance 2, Building 7. 5. Opposite Songyang Park /Across the street is our school. 6. In the middle/center stands the teaching building ,with the Library building on its right and a botanical garden on its left. Behind are two dormitory buildings and a dining hall.At the back of our school is the playground lined with tall trees on all sides. 7. To get there,you can get on /take No.5 bus at the bus stop in front of our school and get off at the seventh stop . 8. Walk /Go straight ahead /Walk south along Songyang street and turn left/right at the second crossing.You’ll find Bank Of China on your right side. 欣赏诵读:你的笔友想去洛阳旅游,请依据以下信息对洛阳做一简述,并为其推荐旅游路线及安排。欣赏诵读:你的笔友想去洛阳旅游,请依据以下信息对洛阳做一简述,并为其推荐旅游路线及安排。 洛阳位于河南西部,历史悠久,文化灿烂,景点丰富洛阳位于河南西部,历史悠久,文化灿烂,景点丰富, 最著名景点:白马寺,王城公园,龙门石窟Baima Temple, King City park, Longmen Grottoes 。2.从郑州乘公共汽车约从郑州乘公共汽车约 2.5 小时到洛阳,56 路公交终点站到洛阳东路公交终点站到洛阳东 10 公里的白马寺,该寺近 2,000 年历史,始建于东汉年历史,始建于东汉the Eastern Han Dynasty。可欣赏中国古代建筑及雕塑,了解佛教文化。对面有牡丹园,四月观赏最佳。可欣赏中国古代建筑及雕塑,了解佛教文化。对面有牡丹园,四月观赏最佳 3 。王城公园位于中州路北侧,占地 1080 亩。有牡丹 peony、野生动物,亦有百种游乐设施供赏玩。、野生动物,亦有百种游乐设施供赏玩。4 龙门山位于洛阳市城南十三公里,全山有古代佛像全山有古代佛像 11 高 万余尊,最大的佛像,通高 17.14 米,最小的佛像米,最小的佛像figure of the Buddha 每个只有 2 厘米。石窟中保留着大量的宗教、美术、建筑、书法、音乐、医药等方面的实物资料。厘米。石窟中保留着大量的宗教、美术、建筑、书法、音乐、医药等方面的实物资料。 1. Luoyang is located in the west in Henan Province. Famous for its long history and profound/ splendid culture, the city is dotted with many places of interest. The most famous attractions are the White Horse Temple, King City Park, Longmen Caves . 2. It takes about 2.5 hours for you to get to Luoyang by bus from Zhengzhou .Then you can take No.56 bus to the White Horse Temple, which lies 10 kilometers east of the downtown /urban areas of Luoyang. The temple , founded in the Eastern Han Dynasty , has a history of nearly 2,000 years . Here you can enjoy the ancient Chinese architecture and sculpture which I think will help you understand the Buddhist culture. Opposite the temple is a large peony garden, where the best view of the flowers is offered in April. 3. King City Park is located on the north side of Zhongzhou Road .It covers an area of 1,080 mu. Besides enjoying the sight of peonies you can also see a variety of rare wile animals. More appealing/attractive is that there are over 100 kinds of recreational facilities. 4. Mount Longmen is located 13 kilometers south of downtown Luoyang. There are more than 11,000 ancient Buddha statues. The largest statue of Buddha measures 17.14 meters high, while the smallest is only two centimeters tall. In the caves survive a large number of materials on religion, art, architecture, handwriting/calligraphy, music, medicine, and so on. 5. I’m sure Luoyang will never fail to impress you with its beauty and hospitality. Welcome to Luoyang! /I’m looking forward to seeing you in Luoyang. 习 作 : 浙 江 省 省 温 岭 中 学 为 省 一 级 重 点 中 学provincial key middle schools 。学校创办于 1847 年,距今已有 160 年的历史。学校坐落在温岭市人民路,2 、5 路公交直达,占地面积 232 亩,设 设 76 个 个 高中生 班,拥有在校生 4500 多人,教职员工 工 306 人,是目前国内历史最长、规模最大、环境 最 优 美 的 中 学 之 一 。



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