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2020-08-22 12:54:01

These days, almost every day in the news broadcast across the country to say serious air pollution in cities, and points out that the continuous effects of air pollution on the human body, should also tell people how to prevent these effects caused by a harm to human body. However, this isn t harmful we cause ourselves? Is human in the face of their own masterpiece , so powerless, helpless?

Due to human deforestation without restraint, a large number of discharge sewage, waste gas, rapidly deteriorating global environment. The original blue sky became dark, clear river water becomes turbid, lively forest also become cold and cheerless. Large amounts of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, and the global greenhouse effect, causing global warming, sea level rise, and has brought serious disaster to some countries.

Although the environment continues to deteriorate, but the countries around the world are actively respond to. This shows that human has been realized that we human beings finally realized the importance of protecting the environment. Now, the international on June 5 to 16, 1972 United Nations conference on the human environment held in Stockholm, Sweden, and the world earth day, world oceans day, world environment day is also bring some relief to the earth. After all, human beings sensible .

Of course, the protection of environment, without the joint efforts of every one of us. At ordinary times less air conditioning, work, school choice to ride a bike or walk, reduce the use of disposable chopsticks and disposable shopping bags, remind others to protect the environment, etc., are all support for the cause of environmental protection, love of nature.

Let us a little more action, a little less empty talk, the cause of environmental protection to make their due contribution! Protect the environment, starts from me!


但是,这种危害难道不是我们人类自己造成的吗?难道人类在面对自己的 杰作 时,就这么无能为力、束手无策吗?


虽然环境还在继续恶化,但世界各国都在积极地应对着。这说明,人类已经开始觉悟了,我们人类终于认识到了保护环境的重要性。现在,国际上于1972年6月5日至16日在瑞典斯德哥尔摩举行联合国人类环境会议以及世界地球日、世界海洋日、世界环境日也都给地球带来一些宽慰。毕竟,人类 懂事 了。



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