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高中英语作文:拯救我们的城市Saving Our City

2020-08-22 13:03:01

高中英语作文:拯救我们的城市Saving Our City2016 03 01 13:52:00 无忧考网The environment of the city is getting worse and worse today. There are wastes, air pollution and so on. What can we do to save our city? About the wastes, we should sort the wastes, to see if they can be recycle used; use the reusable shopping bag instead of the plastic bags. About the air pollution, we should go to school on foot or by bike; we should also ask our family not to use car as much as possible, take the subway or bus instead. I hope everyone can see the environment problem and do the best to save our city.如今城市的环境变得越来越糟。有垃圾和空气污染等问题。我们应该如何保护我们的城市?关于垃圾,我们应该进行垃圾分类,看看它们是不是可以回收利用;使用环保购物袋来代替塑料袋。关于空气污染,我们应该走路或者骑自行车去学校;我们还应该要求家人尽量少使用汽车,用地铁或者公交车代替。我希望每个人都能看到环境问题,尽量来拯救我们的城市。



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