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第一次表演武术英语作文 英语作文

2020-09-03 10:36:01

Huang Xinyu In Mr. Huang the devil of a month trains hind. Our wushu was performed in the classroom this afternoon eventually. I glad nervous. Glad is to be able to perform wushu, nervous is this it is first time perform before teacher, classmate, parent. The good insecurity of the be agitated in my heart. Mr. Huang sound reproduction is happy, want to began to perform, I see Li Yan teachs with Mr. Huang army the posture stands very continuously. I also stand still immediately. After pattern boxing performance was over, the music that Mr. Huang put a punch of an army body again lets us two two performances. Perform wushu for the first time today we are very happy, mr. Huang is very glad also. Judge: The mood is written particularly well.



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