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2020-09-04 13:03:01


初二的女孩 初二的女生犹如那初熟的果子,酸酸的,甜甜的。花季女孩们正用青春书写缠绵的诗句;正用激情点燃未来的火把;正用驿动的心演绎纯真的故事,用梦想绘就生命的绚丽 初二的女生拒绝...

字如其人,人如其字。 看你的字是一种美美的享受,品你的人更有一种心旷神怡的感觉。宋慧,虽然你是个少言少语的小姑娘,但在苏老师心目中你的内在潜力无穷。你聪明好学才华横溢,稳重诚实助人为乐。作为小队长,你兢兢业业,吃苦耐劳,有你这样的学生,苏老师...

51、 你是个很认真的学生,每一次的作业都做得很认真而且仔细。课堂上老师也能看到你高举的小手,让老师十分欣喜。但现在,你却交了个坏朋友,那就是贪玩。记住,玩是可以的,但是贪玩,就不对了。好好表现,老师相信你还能迎头赶上! 你是一个不爱言语,...

致初二党 我们只剩下一年多的时间了,在这一年多,我们会好好的,对吗?在这一年多,我们会彼此好好珍惜对方的,对吗?在这一年多,我们会很快乐的,对吗? 无论在一年后,我们是否各奔东西...

我们的初二 朝看水东流,暮看日西坠。时间如流水一般转眼即逝。一年的学校生活在举手投足之间悄然悄然而去,但时间永远不会褪色。回虽然有过伤痛与疲惫,有过彷徨与失落的日子但都将会成...

写给初二的自己 亲爱的自己: 你好! 当你读到这些文字的时候你已经初二了。你不知道未来的这几百多天的日子里你要经历些什么,不过既然已经跋涉了八年,最后这一年里希望你要拼尽全力。亲...

我的初二我的Ta们 讲台上老班高谈阔论,无非是时间不等人,大家要珍惜时间云云。这些早被同学们倒背如流。但想想也没错,初二就这样稀里糊涂嘻嘻哈哈的过去了。 老班讲了个老掉牙的冷笑话...

初二英语作文 Hello! I have a pen pal. He will come to our school. He is from USA. His name is Mike. He has a happy family. There are five people in his family. They are his grandparents, parents and him. Mike is a friendly boy. He likes playing bask...

初二寒假英语作文A happy and short winter quietly slip away from our side, we have ushered in a new semester, took place in winter on you like the stars in the sky, and countless others of my heart can not be denied a piece of the past. Each ...

初二英语作文:Invitation Thanks for the invitation to your house.I am free on Sunday.Can I take my twin brother with me? I want you to meet him.He looks the same as me,but he is a little shorter than me.He is more outgoing than I am and he talks mo...

本学期,本人担任初二2 班语文课教学和教导处干事工作。一学期来,本人以学校及各处组工作计划为指导;以加强师德师风建设,提高师德水平为重点,以提高教育教学成绩为中心,以深化课改实验工作为动力,认真履行岗位职责,较好地完成了工作目标任务,现将一学期来的工作总结...

过好初二转折关作文投稿 发件人:‖、心微凉、952075765@qq.com 过好初二转折关 时光荏苒,一年的时光无声无息地流走了。我们从浑不知事的初一师弟师妹成了经验丰富的初二师兄师姐。这仿佛一瞬...

初二作文题目:留下 清风吹乱了桌边的书,一首首旖旎的陈词使我惊艳,我想起了那隐在这是诗词背后的才子们,轻嗅着他们留下的墨香。 二十四桥明月夜,与人何处教吹箫?这是杜牧在扬州的...

初二散文:胡杨志 有一种树,活着一千年不倒,倒了一千年不死,死了一千年不烂,他的名字叫做胡杨。 看!他们一棵棵,一排排,一群群屹立在中国最广大的土地上,在大西北的黄土上,他们...

初二英语作文:introduction Hello!My name is Ding Jinyan.My English name is Tina.I am a chinese girl.Im 12 years old.In my family,there are four people.My mother,father,bother ang me.I like watching TV,playing computer games,reading books and playin...


初二寒假作文600字开学了,同学们都兴高采烈地背着书包,走进了学校。分别了二十天,一定有千言万语要侃侃而谈,大家都神采飞扬地说起异彩纷呈的寒假生活。这不,小书迷李华眉飞色舞地说了起来: 今年寒假,我去了图书馆,其中杨红樱写的《神秘的女老师》可好看啦...

初二作文题目:活着 人的生活方式有两种,第一种是像草一样活着。你尽管活着,每年还在成长,但是你毕竟是一棵草;你吸收雨露阳光,但是长不大。人们可以踩过你,人们不会因为你的痛苦而...

初二英语作文:A letter Dear Li Jun, Im glad to help you with your problems. I think you should understand your parents. I think your parents love you very much. They hope you can be better. You should love them, too. And you could talk about your p...

多愁善感的初二作文400字 初二的这一学期,我的情绪一波三折。在家经常和妈妈闹情绪,在学校,同学们的课堂纪律很不好,我最见不得同学上课说话做小动作了。 这段时间由于在学校闹别扭,...

初二作文题目:着眼前方 人的一生中,难免会遭逢几次失败。或许是不期而遇,亦可能是蓄势已久。但它们就如同滴落在白纸上的几点墨滴,即使留下了印记却依然无法遮掩白纸的本质,也决不会...

初二英语作文:My bedroom I have a sweet bedroom.And my roommate is my twin sister,Penny.Our bedroom has three parts,the bedroom,the bathroom and the balcony.The biggest is the bedroom and the smallest is the bathroom.In our bedroom,there are two be...


初二英语作文:My dream 作者:初二四 谭雅雯 In ten years,I think I will be an actress, I will live in Xian, because saw Xian city on computer, I fell in love with it , I think its so beautiful , And Its very big ,I have a QQ friend, She l...

初二英语作文:My future I think I will be a boss in chocolate factory.And I will live in Beijing.Because I went to Beijing at the age of ten and fell in love with it.As a boss,I think I will have more money.Because lots of people love eating chocol...

初二英语作文:My advice If your friend loves flowers, you should buy some lily flowers. Because they represent friendship. If your friend is interested in animals. You could give a turtle to her. Because the turtle could live too many years in the...

初二英语作文:My friend My best firend is Jan. He has long curly red hair.He is very tall.He likes telling jokes.He likes listening to music.His favorite singer is M.J. So do I. And so we often went to M.J music party last year. He went to a summer...

初二英语作文:My Vacation Let me tell you my vacation plan. I am going to the beach. I will stay there for three days .On Monday, I am going to the beach and going swimming. On Tuesday, I am going fishing.On Wednesday, I am playing basketball with...

初二英语作文:My Neighborhood Dear Nancy, I want to tell you about my neighborhood . My neighborhood is in the center of the city. Its a good place. Im happy to live here. Its clean and quiet. There is a garden, some clubs and a supermarket in it ....

初二英语作文:Help People Being a kind girl is not very hard. For example, we can go to the old peoples home and help them to do some everyday activities. For example you can walk around in the park and enjoy the sun shine with them. In the future,...



初三作文600字 黄河作文 秋游作文 中考作文范文 兔子的作文 作文秋天 全国中学生科普科幻作文大赛 关于年夜饭的作文 包饺子作文300字 这样的人让我敬佩作文600字 长大的感觉真好作文 以责任为话题的作文 感恩老师作文500字 爱拼才会赢作文 以感恩为题的作文 我的老师作文100字 写老师的作文500字 包饺子的过程作文 关于中国梦的作文 写雷锋的作文 春节包饺子作文 我真幸福作文 我爱你中国作文 五年级作文读后感 未来的汽车作文 过年作文500字 校园趣事作文 七年级作文题目 放飞梦想作文 坚持作文600字