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2020-09-09 12:51:01

GirlThere is a girl in my class, she looks so pretty, like an angel. Everyday I wish I could speak to her, but I’m too scared. I want to say hi to her in the morning, but I couldn’t. I want to follow her home, when the school is over, but I couldn’t. I want to call her in the evening and say good evening, but I still couldn’t. I want to speak to her so bad that I couldn’t sleep at night. Please God, just give me one chance to speak to her.Sport, dreamI like sport, especially basketball. I just love the NBA, many of the players are my favorites. They are just so cool, when they dunk the ball shoot the 3 points and block shots. They are my idols, I really look up to them. I want to play in the NBA one day too, but it is just a dream. I want to be like Yao Ming, and play in the Olympics, it is also just a dream. I have so many dreams, and sometimes I wish I could live in my dreams.Movie starsI like movies, and I like the actors and actress in movies. They are famous and pretty, they live in Hollywood. I want to go to Hollywood one day and meet them. I want their autographs, and I want to ask them many questions. They are really cool in those movies, so they must be cool in person too. I really hope I could be there one day, in Hollywood. I wish I could be famous too. Computer gamesI like to play computer games, like to play them a lot. Sometimes I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, just to play the games. My mom says the games are bad, but I think they are cool. I think sometimes that I should listen to my mom, but I don’t want to. I just want to play the games everyday long. Why do we have to listen to our parents, we want to do what we want to do, and no one can tell differently.FriendsYou got to have friends, a lot of friends. It would make your life a lot easier, because you can get help from your friends. Sometimes it is not easy to make friends, because people are all so different. Sometimes it is not difficult to make friends, because you could be lucky to meet people that like you. Friends are great, friends means everything. However, your friends can hurt you sometimes, they may not mean it, but they do it.HeroHero is the good guy, they always try to do god to the world. People respects them, children looks up to them and want to be like them. Real heroes fight the bad guys without fear, bad guys are usually strong and evil. Many fear the bad guys, but a real hero does not fear them. The real hero is also strong and has a good heart, and in the end, good will always defeat evil. Sometimes hero can be defeated by the bad guys, we don’t like that, but it happens. Parents Many children like to go to the zoo with their parents, they want to see animals, and they like them very much. Many parents do not have the time to go to the zoo with their children, because they are always so busy. Children are sad when their parents don’t have the time to play with them, they often cry. Children don’t understand that their parents have to work very hard sometimes. They just want their parents to play with them and go to the zoo with them. Many parents don’t mean to hurt their children, but they can’t do anything about it. MusicI like to listen to the music, I listen to them a lot. Sometimes I get tired of them, because I listened to them too much. There are many kind of music, and I like them all, from Rock to Classics. Sometimes I listen to them very loud, my parents and neighbors are not happy, because the music is too loud. They tell me not to listen to the music that loud, but I don’t listen to them, I just keep listen to the music that loud. They don’t like me when I do that, but I don’t care. I just want my music. How to keep healthy:It’s important for us to keep healthy .Then what should we do? I think we should have good habits. We should take exercise every day, such as swimming , running and playing basketball. We also should have different kinds of food. We should have fruit , vegetables , eggs ,milk meat and so on. Of course we should get enough sleep at night. If we do so, I think we will be healthier and stronger.My diet:I’m a girl of 14.I’m tall and thin .I usually eat a lot of rice ,some meat ,some meat ,some fish or chicken and plenty of vegetables every day .I am used to drink some milk every morning ,It’s my favourite drink .Of course I like fresh fruit very much .I think my diet is healthy.



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