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2020-09-09 13:15:01

> > > > 高中校园生活英语作文带翻译高中校园生活英语作文带翻译发布时间:2019 11 07



The first day when I go to high school, I felt excited, after 9 years study, I felt I was so close to university, the dream always gives me motivation to move on. The first year, I made many friends, I got to know all of my classmates, though the study was hard and tedious, I shared happiness and sorrow with my friends. When the second year came, I was arranged to another class, for the need of my major. I was a little frustrated at first, because I was worried no one could talk to me, but I made new friends quickly, sometimes I would keep in touch with my old friends. Now the last year has come, I must study hard, I will go to college next year, never have I felt so close to my dream. High school life is not easy for me, for the pressure is so heavy, but I won t give up.



According to my memory, my high school life was full of happiness and fortune because of my lovely friend and teacher. They are sunshine in my high school life.


I met my best friend in senior one. She is a girl with long legs, white skin, and small face. What makes me a deep impression is her wide shoulder, wider than other girls who have the same height as her. She was kind, treating me just like I was her sister. I didn t live in school dormitory, but she did. So, I slept with her at noon. Sometimes we argued, but we both checked our mistakes and recovered our relationship soon. When we were senior two, I moved in school dormitory, I didn t feel comfortable in there very fast. She took care of me and made me feel warm. In my opinion, she is more than a friend, like a family.


As for my teachers, my chemistry teacher is my favorite teacher. She is a woman with sweet smile, not so tall, but she built a tall imagination in my heart. I used to chat with her result from my failure in the exam. She is a divorced woman; however, she was steel, living a happy life with her daughter. I appreciate people with a strong heart, maybe the reason is that I want to be the kind of person who is always optimistic and can t be defeated easily. She expresses that.


The high school memory is a valuable memory in my life. It s my fortune to meet them, my sunshine.



High school is very important in one s lifetime. Nowadays, the movies about the high school time are so popular, but the stories are exaggerated, my memories about high school life are so different from the movie. During the three years, study occupied most of my time. I fought for the future with my classmates. We studied together and shared our opinion about the difficult points. When I made great progress, I was so happy, but when I fell behind, I would not give up. I grew up and became patient, I was not the little girl anymore. In the part time, I would go to play basketball with my friends, it became the most exciting thing at that time. Though the high school life was simple, I gained a lot. I would never forget the classmates who worked with me together.


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