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2020-09-09 14:51:01

In the life,everybody has a lot of problem.For example,I am a wonderful student.I can usually get a high mark.I study very well.But sometimes I reckless of the examination,so,I can’t do it very well.After the exam,I blow it.Most of my teachers usually apprehend me,but my mother sometimes makes little of me.She usually says that,’ Honey,why you blew the exam,don’t forget,you are an excellent student,you must study hard,and you must get the high mark next exam.’ When my mother says that,I always feel very chagrin.I am not oracle,why I can’t make mistakes.But my father apprehends me.He thinks I am a children,so I can make a little mistake.I always study hard after I blew the exam,because my father cheers on me.I study hard for me,for him,of course,I study hard for my mother too.My Junior Middle School Time 1995 i went into taizhou junior middle school.Totally we had 7 classes,i was in class 4.The head teacher of the class was a middle age woman.she was so strict with us.for example,i was catched when i ate a big rabbit sugar during class time,she asked me to buy that bland sugar one peice for everyone.in my opinion ,she hated everyting except study,everyweekend ,she asked us to study in school,sunday afternoon was just the free time for us.when she saw we played football,she must get the ball back to her office.someone who was to be in love was found by her,he would be punished just like a shit.luckyly,i was not found by her.i liked the girl who was my Elementary school schoolmate during my junior middle school.i didnt know she konwed or not.it ended when we graduated.but i liked to talk with others during class time,everytime i was found by her,she asked me to write 3000 words to explain why and how to do in future.nowadyas every time i remeber what happened in my junior middle school,i deeply appreciat her kindness.she is real a good teacher.my junior middle school time has pasted ,but it will influece till the end of my life.When we barge up against,don’t trepidation,don’t be scared,and tell the tribulation to our kiths,they can help you.向笔友介绍自己的初中生活:My dear friend,How is everything going?Its been a while since I wrote to you.Let me tell you about my secondary school life here.My school probably is bigger than you imagine.There are more than 2000 students.The school has got good academic record track and students here are hard working and pretty competitive.I enjoy my class.I have more friends than I had in primary school.They are cool and we communicate both at school and online as well.We have more subjects to learn and some new ones is very interesting.I like Physics and Chemistry.I enjoy Music and Art class as well.Recently I take up tennis for school sports program and enjoy it very much.What about your school and study?When you have time,please write to me.Yours trulyXXX



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