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2020-09-10 10:24:01

In my opinion, a qualified college student should be one who is not only physically but also mentally healthy, who can deal with his studies successfully, who has the enthusiasm of growth, and who is ready and fully prepared to devote himself to his motherland.Then, what should we do to become a qualified college student?First, we should keep in good health physically and mentally. Good health is the foundation for us to perform our learning tasks and fulfil our dreams. Making a regular schedule of daily life and doing regular physical exercises can keep us fit. Be sure not to demand too much of life. Take an optimistic attitude, look on the bright side of things and face life with bravery and confidence.Secondly, we should make study our prime task in every day life. We should observe college regulations, attend every class attentively and visit library frequently. Its of vital importance to make the most of our time at college to expand our knowledge and interest in our majors. Thirdly, we also ought to take every opportunity to enrich our experiences broaden our view in life. We should take an active part in social work, build up our own social connections and get to know people and make friends with them. It cant be denied that a college student should possess many other abilities and qualities, for example, being responsible, independent and creative. Therefore, as college students, we should improve ourselves all the time during our precious college years.E智网为你解答,希望可以帮助到你!



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