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英语作文 有一图片:图上展示的是美国小学的课堂上学生们踊跃地举手发言 气氛很活跃

2020-09-10 11:45:01

Just as shown in the picture,there are so many American students putting up their hands in oder to answer the questions .Everyone is excited so that a positive atmosphere is created.Compared to our class,there seems to be many differences,but whats the most important is that we dont answer questions unless we are questioned by our teachers.Such phenomenon can be seen in many Chinese schools.Many factors can explain the phenomenon reflected in the picture,but the following one might be the critical one.As a traditonal contry,keep qioet is very popular as well as admireable.So we are intended to keep slient in class!From my point of view,such behaviour is what we should change.Only if we are created in our class can we learn more and broaden our horizons.

英语作文 有一图片:图上展示的是美国小学的课堂上学生们踊跃地举手发言 气氛很活跃.比较你同时上课的情况 简单谈谈你的感受作业帮



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