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2020-09-10 13:33:01

I Learn English Like This English is very important for us. Everyone wants to learn it well. My English is very good. How do I learn English? First, I listen to the teacher and make notes carefully in class. I revise my old lessons and prepare my new lessons after class. Second, I like speaking English withmy classmates, not only in classroom, but also on the playground. Its to improve my spoken English. Third, I keep a diary every day to practise my written English. Besides this, I often read English newspapers or magazines in order to enrich my knowledge on English culture. 英语对我们来说很重要,每个人都想学好英语。我的英语很好,那我是怎么学英语的呢? 首先,我上课认真听老师讲课,认真记笔记,课下我复习旧功课,预习新功课。 第二,我不仅在教室里,在操场上也一样喜欢和同学们说英语,这提高了我的口语。 第三,我坚持每天记日记来练习写作。 除此之外,我经常阅读英语报纸和杂志来丰富我的文化知识。Improve Your English Through PracticeAfter2 or3 years English learning, you will probably wonder how to further improve your English. When you speak, do not translate what you want to say from Chinese into English. If you do, youll get mixed up in some usages①. Youll consider“wait”as a transitive ② verb, for instance. Youll never add “to”after“listen”,but you might write “sheeps” for the plural form, though you know theyre wrong when the mistakes are pointed out.Therefore, to improve your English, you need to practise your spoken English, and think in English. That is to say, you should build up your sense of the English language.Grasp any chance to speak English. When you see a desk, for example, have the word in your mind; say“Whats the time? Its….”when you see a clock. In this way, youll be able to learn with ease and use with freedom. For example, youll be able to tell that“Korea Lies to the east of China.”but“Guangzhou Likes in the south of China.”without hard thinking.Were learning English as a foreign Language. It is true that we cannot learn it without any grammatical rules. But, your sense of grammatical rules comes from constant③ use of language. Its unnecessary to recite the rules and apply④ the rules in speaking. In a word, you will improve your English only by opening your mouth to practise. Practice makes perfect.“What if I make mistakes in speaking English?”Do not worry. You neednt be afraid of making mistakes. Even when people speak their native language, they may make various kinds of mistakes! Further, many kinds of mistakes will be rubbed off in the process of learning through practice.通过实践提高英语水平内容提示当你学了两三年英语后就不知道如何进一步提高学习水平了。请你按下列要点写一篇短文,讲一讲提高英语学习水平的方法。①讲英语时不要将汉语翻译成英语;②要练习用英语进行思维;③培养英语的语感能力;④抓住任何机会来练习口语;⑤语法要在练习中掌握;⑥尽量开口讲英语,不要怕出错。

英语作文:你认为最好的学习方式学习是一个人成长中非常重要的一部分。学习方式很多 如:聆听长辈教导 阅读各类书籍 自己亲生体验等等 请简述你认为最好的学习方式120字



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