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2020-09-10 15:18:01

T ask 1: Look at the picture and write a storyon a winter morning, be covered with,make a snowman, throw snowballsWhat will happen later?Li Ming, fall down, be badly hurt, can t stand up, take him to hospitalT ask 2: Write a Note of Asking for LeaveA Note of Asking for Leave December 15th, 2004Dear Mr , Yours,Ling MingA Note of Asking for LeaveDecember 15Dear Mr Wu,I m sorry that I can t go to school today.I had an accident yesterday while I was skating. I fell down and broke my right leg. My cousin took me to hospital. The doctor said that I had to rest my leg for a few days. Now I m writing to you to ask for sick leave.Yours, Ling mingA note ask ing f or sick l eaveDear Miss Liu,I m sorry to tel l you that I m not f eel ing wel l tod ay. I have a bad cold , and the doctor told me to stay in bed for two days , so I can t go to hldhschool today, I hope I will be better tomorrow and be back to school soon 1ill b b1Thank you.Yours 11Dear Miss Liu,I m sorry to tel l you that I m not f eel ing wel l tod ay. I have a bad cold , and the doctor told me to stay in bed for two days , so I can t go to school today, I hope I will be better tomorrow and be back to school soon Thank you.Yours A note ask ing f or sick l eaveTHANK YOU !Good bye!



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