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2020-09-14 10:30:01

Introduction to Amazon Basin Nearly two thirds of Peru is Amazon rainforest, which thrives with some of the richest biodiversity on the planet. Covering 6,475,000 sq. km 2,525,250 sq. miles, the Amazon basin represents 54% of all remaining rainforest on the planet. This vast, largely impenetrable region, with the smallest human population in the country and few towns of any size, clearly is not the Peru of great pre Columbian civilizations and Inca ruins. For the traveler, it stands in stunning contrast to rugged Andean peaks and arid desert coasts. The humid frontier towns of the jungle, well past stages of oil and rubber boom and now hell bent on eco tourism, are worlds apart from the historic cities Cusco and Arequipa, and the modern madness of Lima.



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