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2020-09-14 14:30:01

My favorite singer is Jay Chou Zhou Jielun. It took him a few years to become famous. While Jay wrote songs for other pop singers, he also learned recording and sound mixing. His first album was released in 2000, and since then, he was released about one album per year. His albums have enjoyed great success in many countries, and his songs are popular with listeners of all ages. I like his music very much. It is pop music, but it has a mix of other kinds of music, such as R B, rap, and rock. Many of his songs are about the world we live in. one of my favorite songs is Dao Xiang, which encourages people not to give up even when life is difficult. I feel happy and full of energy when I listen to his songs. I have introduced my best friend to Jay’s songs, and he enjoys the songs, too!



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