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人教版七年级上册英语Unit 8 阅读与写作

2020-09-14 14:33:01

Unit 8 阅读与写作

I. 完形填空。 A

Today is June 4th. It’s 1 fine day. It is Betty’s birthday. She comes 2 and sees a new red box on her bed . She opens 3 . There is nothing but a piece of paper 4 it ! Betty takes it out and 5 : “ Dear Betty. I’m your present礼物. Come and 6 me in the front room .” Betty runs 7 front room . She finds her parents there . They look at her happily. She looks around and sees her present—a nice 8 bike . “Happy birthday. Betty .” Her paren ts both 9 . Betty is very happy and says : “ 10 very much.”

1. A./ B. the C. a D. an

2. A. to home B. home C. the home D. at home

3. A. box B. them C. its D .it

4. A. under B. behind C. on D. in

5. A .reading B .read C .reads D .to read

6 .A . look for B. look after C . look like D . look

7 .A. in the B. for the C. to the D. out the

8. .A. newer B. newest C. new D. old

9 .A. speak B. say C. talk D. ask

10. A. Thanks you B. Thanks a lot C. Thank D. Thank you


Hello, everybody! My name is Li Guoqing. I am 1 . I was born in 1995. My birthday is 2 .That’s National Day国庆节. I like music very much and I 3 like sports.

My birthday is coming .My mother wants to 4 a beautiful shirt for me .On Sunday, she takes me to a big 5 store .There are 6 shirts and they are 7 all colors. She selects选择、挑选 a blue one .It looks cool.

My father gives me some CDs and a 8 .He knows what I like .I am really 9 .My parents plan to have a 10 at home this year. I love them and they love me.

1. A. eleven B. fifteen C. sixteen

2. A. June 1st B. January 1st C. October 1st

3. A. don’t B. also C. only



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