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初中英语 八年级下 期中英语作文复习 unit1

2020-09-14 17:03:01

假如你是李华,今年暑假你校组织了一次赴云南贫困山区做志愿者服务工作的活动,请根据以下要点提示,写一篇作文,叙述你们这次去都做了哪些工作以及你的感想。 要求 词左右,给出部分不计入总词数,可适当发挥。 1. 教他们学英语、学唱歌; 2. 给他们带去衣服和玩具; 3. 帮助他们鼓起勇气面对生活。 书面表达 Unit1 1 This summer holidays our school organized an activity of voluntary work. We went to the poor mountain areas in Yunnan. My classmates and I offered to take part in it. We taught the children to learn English and sing songs. In order to make them feel warm, we brought some new clothes and toys to them and played with them. They were very happy to be with us. In addition, we helped to raise their spirits to face lives. We were all tired but very happy and we will continue to do more voluntary work in the future. 假如你们学校上周开展了一次 Helping those in need 的活动,请根据下面的提示写一篇短文,介绍大家在这次活动中做了什么。提示: 1. Sally 为山村里的穷人捐钱,希望能够帮助小孩子们重返校园; 2. Joe 去了儿童医院照顾生病的孩子,希望能够带给他们快乐; 3. Julia 为流浪狗建造温暖的小窝,希望它们能够在里面暖和; 4. 助人为乐后的感受。 Unit1 2 Last week, we had an activity called Helping those in need . We tried our best to do something for others. Sally raised money for the poor in the mountain village. She hoped the money could help the children go back to school. Joe went to the Children s Hospital to take care of sick children. He hoped he could bring joy to them. Julia helped build warm houses for homeless dogs. She hoped the dogs could be warm inside. They all thought that when they did something for those in need, they felt very happy. 请根据以下内容写一篇作文,要求字迹工整,内容完整,80 词左右。 小明得了严重的疾病住院了,他家里非常贫穷,小明的同学打算为他筹集善款。他们写信征得校长的同意后就开始行动了。他们用各种方式筹款。有的举行慈善表演a charity show, 有的举行书展买旧书,有的捐款等等。然后同学们拿着筹集的善款去医院看望小明,为他唱歌,跳舞,鼓励他,在大家的帮助下,小明的病渐渐地好了。 Unit1 3 Last Friday, Xiaoming got sick suddenly. He was suffering from serious illness and was in hospital. Because his family is very poor, they don t have enough money to pay the hospital. When Xiaoming s classmates knew this, they decided to raise money for him. They wrote to the headmaster to ask permission, and then they started to make plans about the activity. They held a charity show and a book fair. Some students donated money. When they raised enough money, they visited Xiaoming in the hospital and gave him the money. They also sang and danced for him. Xiaoming felt very grateful. With the classmates help, he soon got well. V. 书面表达 共1 题,15 分) 在生活中我们处处都在使用肢体语言,不同的肢体语言代表着不同的含义。请根据以下提示写一篇文章,介绍表格中的几种肢体语言。 要求词左右,可适当发挥。 Body language Meanings Wave one s hand Goodbye A smile and handshake To show welcome Clap hands 鼓掌) ) Congratulations Nod one s head Agreement Shake one s head Disagreement Unit2 1 People use body language for sending messages to one another. It is very useful because it can help you make yourself easily understood . When we talk with others, we also use expressions and gestures. For example , waving one s hand is to say Goodbye . A handshake with smiling shows welcome, and clapping hands means congratulations. Nodding one s head means agreement, but shaking the head means disagreement. We all use body language in our daily life. VII .作文 15 分 日常交流中,你会使用肢体语言吗? 请你根据以下提示内容,结合自己的实际情况,写一篇短文谈谈你对肢体语言的看法。 提示内容:1. 微笑能体现友好; 2. 与他人交谈中要有眼神交流; 3. 课堂上坐直抬头表明在认真听讲; 4. 恰当的proper 肢体语言能给人留下好印象。 要求: 1. 词数: 80 左右,可以适当发挥。2. 条理清楚,语义连贯,句式规范,字迹工整。 Unit2 2 Communicating is more than just speaking. Our body language is important too. Body language is widely used in our daily life. Smile shows you are friendly. We also need eye contact with people when we communicate with them. If you sit up straight and hold your head up in class, you are listening to the teacher carefully. Proper body language can help us make a good impression on people. In a word, body language plays an important role in communication. If we use it correctly, it will bring us a lot of benefits. Therefore, We should try our best to improve it. V. 书面表达 共1 题,15 分) 肢体语言是人们交流的一种重要方式,人们常用它来传递信息。 请你根据下面提示写一篇作文: 要求词左右,可适当发挥。 提示: 1. 人们在与他人交谈时,不仅仅使用语言,还会使用表情、手势等肢体语言,例如有时用 挥手(waving one s hand 表示再见。 2. 不同国家有不同的肢体语言,法国人用亲吻来表示欢迎,中国人用握手表示。 3. 了解不同文化之间的肢体语言差异对我们来说很有必要。 Unit2 3 Body language is one of the most useful ways of communication. People use it to send messages to one another. When you are talking with others, you are not only using words, but also using expressions and gestures. For example, sometimes waving one s hand means Goodbye . But different countries have different body language. French kiss each other when they meet, but people in China shake hands instead of kissing. So it s necessary for us to learn the differences of body language between different cultures. 王先生是一位55 岁的木头雕刻者a wood carver, 他有一双粗糙的手,他能够用一些简单的工具把木头雕刻carve 成不同的玩具。人们都觉得他雕刻的玩具既有趣又可爱,并且非常喜欢它们。请根据以上内容,写一篇作文,介绍主先生以及他的工作,并谈谈你的想法。 要求 词左右;可适当发挥。 书面表达 Unit3 1 Mr Wang is a 55 year old wood carver. He is tall and thin. His hands are rough. Mr Wang can carve the wood into some interesting toys, such as animals and children. Wood, knives and some other simple tools are required to carve wood. Paints are used to make them more beautiful. People think his toys are interesting and lovely and they all like them very much. I m attracted by Mr Wang s wooden toys because they are very special. I hope to learn to carve wood in the future. 根据以下提示写一篇作文,80 词左右,可适当发挥。 1. 李太太是一名剪纸高手。 今年55 岁,她的手很巧。 2. 李太太可以剪出很多种图案的剪纸,比如小孩,动物等;剪纸只需要纸和一把剪刀就可以完成;剪纸可以粘在窗户或者灯笼上来表达喜悦的心情。 3. 你对剪纸的看法 书面表达 Unit3 2 Mrs. Li is good at making paper cuttings. She is 55 years old now and she is very handy. Mrs. Li can cut out different kinds of patterns, such as children, animals and so on. Paper and a pair of scissors are required to make paper cuttings. Paper cuttings are usually stuck on the windows or lanterns to express the feelings of joy. I like Mrs. Li s paper cuttings because they re beautiful and they mean good luck. I want to learn to make paper cuttings. 变脸(Face changing 是运用在川剧艺术中塑造人物的一种特技,是历代川剧艺人共同创造并传承下来的艺术瑰宝。请根据以下提示, 介绍一位身怀这项中国传统技艺的人物 王爷爷(Grandpa Wang 。要求 词左右,可适当发挥。 提示: 年龄 60 多岁 外形 痩高 , 白头发 , 身体健朗 特长 擅长变脸且技艺精湛;有 变脸王 The King of Face changing 之称 。 去年参加达人秀节目 talent show, 给人们带来 欢 乐 , 也让更多的人认识到变脸这门绝活。 。 你的看法 Unit3 3 Grandpa Wang is over 60 years old. He is a tall and thin man with grey/white hair, and he is very fit. Grandpa Wang is so good at face changing, so he is called The King of Face changing . Last year, he took part in a talent show and brought fun to people. He made more people know this skill by the show too. In my opinion, Grandpa Wang is very great. I like his face changing because they are lovely and can bring joy to people. I hope one day I can learn his skill of face changing. V. 书面表达 共1 题,15 分) 加菲猫Garfield 是一个著名的卡通角色,他喜欢吃饭睡觉却又有着人类的思维,受到了许多观众的喜爱。请根据以下提示,介绍一下这个角色。 要求 词左右,可适当发挥。 提示: 特点 一只橙色毛皮的胖猫 , 他用大量的时间吃饭睡觉 , 喜欢看电视。 。 影响 吸引了世界各地的年轻人和儿童 , 是世界上最受欢迎的卡通角色之一 评价 可爱 , 有主见( (strong minded, , 给人们带来许多欢乐 你的看法 Unit4 1 The famous cartoon character Garfield is a fat cat with orange fur. He spends most of his time eating delicious food and sleeping, and he enjoys watching TV. After the cartoon was played, Garfield has attracted many young people and children all over the world. He has become one of the most popular cartoon characters in the world. People think he is so lovely and strong minded, and he brings them a lot of joy. I also like Garfield very much, because he can always make me laugh. 孩子应该看漫画书吗?请根据下面的提示,谈一谈孩子看漫画书的利弊。内容提示: 1. 利:漫画书内容有趣,可以给孩子带来欢乐;看漫画书可以提升孩子的看图能力及幽默感sense of humor ;从漫画中可以学到一些知识; 2. 弊:漫画书字太少,对语言学习没有帮助;有些漫画中含有不健康的内容content ,不利于孩子的成长; 3. 谈谈你的看法。 要求:条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,逻辑严谨 Unit4 2 Should children read comic strips? Some people think comic strips are interesting and children can get fun from them. They also believe that reading comic strips can improve children s ability of reading pictures and their sense of humor. What s more, children can get some knowledge from comic strips. However, other people think there are only a few words in comic strips so they are not helpful to children s language studies. They also worry that some comic strips have unhealthy contents, and they will do harm to children. In my opinion, children can read comic strips, but they have to choose the right ones. 我最喜欢的卡通 我最喜欢的卡通人物是汤姆和杰瑞。真的很好。当我年轻的时候,我开始看它。它给我和我的父母带来很多快乐,因为我的父母总是跟我看它。汤姆和杰瑞非常可爱。他们的生活是非常有趣的,因为他们是真正的朋友,尽管他们总是相互斗争。尽管它已经被放映了很多年,世界各地的许多孩子们仍然非常爱它。 Unit4 3 My favorite cartoon My favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry. It is really great. When I was young, I began watching it. It brought me and my parents much happiness because my parents always watched it with me. Tom and Jerry are very lovely. Their life is very interesting because they are real friends, though they always fight with each other. Although it has been played for many years, many children around the world still love it very much.



高考英语作文题目 春天作文100字 写小兔子的作文 多肉植物作文 微笑作文500字 难忘的什么作文 新年英文作文 写人的英语作文 怀恋作文 路作文500字 无私奉献的作文 英语续写作文 我的爸爸妈妈作文 动物园作文400字 写人的优秀作文 我最喜欢的人作文 一篇写事的作文 母爱作文800字 做馒头作文 十篇英语作文 英语作文五年级上册 推荐信英语作文 四季作文400字 春节作文100 我家的故事作文 如何制作文件 互相帮助 作文 三年级作文一百字 写物品的作文 关于数学的作文