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人教版初一第三单元英语作文:笔友不要太深奥 就用初一第三单元以前学过的词{包括第

2020-09-15 13:36:01

Dear Mary, thank for your eamil.How is everything going?I have a friend called Liu Hong,a mind pen girl.She is 16 yeas old and now studying at No.2 senior high school in Qingdao province.She works very hard ,no guessing,she is an outstanding pupil in her class.She is good at science and English.She won the first prize at the English competition holding all around the country in 2004.She has many intersts like many other youngers.She enjoys athletic sports and she is a member of schools volleyball group.she is keen on collecting stamps and is happy to exchange stamps with her pen friends.Do you have some ideas on making friends with her?Yours SencerelyWang Ming

人教版初一第三单元英语作文:笔友不要太深奥 就用初一第三单元以前学过的词{包括第三单元}介绍笔友不要太长也不要太短了0v0谢谢了恩啊只要初一第三单元学的单词啊简单点啊0A0顺便把作业帮



争做好少年作文 生活需要微笑作文 什么使我快乐作文 保护地球的英语作文 什么让我着迷作文 mytrip作文 成长作文500字初中 看电影作文400字 哥哥打屁股作文 学打羽毛球作文 含泪的微笑作文 埋下一颗种子作文 最熟悉的陌生人作文 课间10分钟作文 厦门植物园作文 把握当下作文 香港迪士尼作文 中秋有感作文 辞旧迎新的作文 什么温暖了我作文 成长需要挫折作文 生活需要勇气作文 我渴望成功作文 描写汤圆的作文 我眼中的色彩作文 写妈妈的作文600字 三年级写景作文300字 坚持的作文400字 快乐的春游作文 初一优秀作文500字