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2020-09-15 13:57:01

Today, I m a friend of my father and mother line 15 individuals in the van, mighty long visit to Shanghai fengjing ancient town tourism. Because do not familiar with, please a tour guide, listen to the tour guide said fengjing town water everywhere around, most people s houses are built around the lake, the house in the town that retain the previous features, roof tiles are made of, the wall is made of wood or stone, here is the most human yes a promenade, about two hundred meters or so, the original designers the corridor design is human nature to the summer without umbrellas, rain and not get wet shoes, brought a lot of convenience to people.

Here to sell most of the are ZhuGeLiangYong things everywhere, such as kongming fan, crossbows, and so on. Clear lake can reflect the reflection of the room, tricycle in narrow alley, willows in the wind like dancing, tourists in fishing, some play in the boat, can be fun.

It grew dark down, we close to home.

今天, 我和爸爸妈妈的朋友一行十五个人乘着两辆面包车,浩浩荡荡的来到上海枫泾古镇旅游区游玩。






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