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2020-09-24 21:45:01

你好,以下是我写的关于搬家的!希望你喜欢!Today is the day I move, I am very excited, the weather good in this cold winter, rarely have such good weather, over the next year, today is, and in the new year, I like my work well, rise higher and higher , I hope my new home, give me a good luck, I hope the whole world is moving today, the person good luck! Tired, sweat and non stop to stay, but the mood is joyful, the same as the same as all moved in the evening need to tidy up, take a shower, a good rest, Oh, really good happy ! Today, you have to move it? You are looking for moving company? Friends, avoid, move they need themselves, and not with others because it is a kind of happiness!



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