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描写春天的英语作文带翻译 spring

2020-09-25 15:45:01

三一文库(www.31doc.com) 〔描写春天的英语作文带翻译 spring〕 春天的景色太美了,春天里人们的心情更美。佝偻了整 整一个冬季的腰板挺直了,欢快的笑脸充满着希望。公园里 又热闹起来了,照相的青年人,钓鱼的老人,捕捉昆虫的小 朋友,一个个陶醉在大自然的怀抱里,流连忘返。 Spring scenery was so beautiful, in the spring, people feel more beautiful. For a winter slouch back straight, cheerful smile full of hope. The park and lively up, take a picture of young people, old people fishing, catching insects children, each one intoxicated in the embrace of nature, indulge in pleasures without stop. 春天里人们更忙了。俗话说:一年之计在于春。你看, 在城市的大街小巷,来来往往地穿梭着忙碌的身影,乡村的 第 1 页 共 5 页 田地里,农民们在播洒着希望的种子。教室的墙壁上贴着新 学期的课表,一本本新书中,有好多好多的知识果实等待着 我们去采撷。 Spring busy people. As the saying goes: Yinianzhiji is spring. You see, in the city streets, coming and going to the busy shuttle, the fields of rural farmers in the seeds of hope. On the walls of the classroom with the new semester schedule, a new book in the books, a lot of knowledge fruit is waiting for us to gather. 我热爱春天, 我喜欢闻到花儿的芳香, 看到大树的新绿, 听到小乌的欢唱。我热爱春天,因为春天充满了生机,充满 了新的希望! I love spring, I like to smell the fragrance of flowers, see the new green trees, listening to the songs of birds. I love the spring, because spring is full of vitality, full of new hope! 第 2 页 共 5 页 ▲更多热门文章: 1.我最喜欢的季节春天英语作文 2.关于春天的英语作文中英对照 3.英语作文:春天(带翻译) 4.描写春天的英语作文(共两篇) 第 3 页 共 5 页 5.描写春天的英语作文 6.我喜欢春天英语作文 I like spring 7.我喜欢春天英语作文 60 词带翻译 8.我爱春天英语作文带翻译 9.我喜欢春天的英语作文 I love spring 10.我最喜欢的季节是春天英语作文推荐 第 4 页 共 5 页 第 5 页 共 5 页

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  1. 2021-10-26 02:39紫棋星星[广西网友]IP:3407377536
  2. 2020-07-31 03:14♬麥子♬[贵州省网友]IP:3407365065


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