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以前的家和现在的家作比较的英语作文以前的家环境差 现在的家环境 爱问知识人

2020-09-26 15:45:01

Former home is very narrow, in the narrow home, we have an even activities, there is no space in hot in summer, the small home often let us hot sleepless。 The furniture in the home is accumulated in the house helter skelter, action is not easy。 Ever since the new home, living space becomes very broad, everyday you have a home, you can see the furniture was neatly ranged in the hall。 I also had their own small room, I can in their own little room heartily play。 Burning hot summer, we open the electric fan, that the cool wind and then let I soon fall asleep。 New home too good, I like new home environment。以前的家很狭小,在这个狭小的家里,我们一家连活动的空间都没有,在炎热的夏天里,这个小小的家常常让我们热的无法入眠。家里的家具都是乱七八糟地堆积在房子了,行动很不方便。 自从有了新家,生活空间就变得很宽广了,每天一回家,就可以看到家具被整齐地排放在大厅里。我也有了自己的小房间,我可以在自己的小房间里尽情地玩。炎热的夏天,我们一打开电风扇,那清凉的风便让我很快入眠。新家太好了,我喜欢新家的环境。



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