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2020-09-26 15:45:01

一座城市过去和现在环境情况对比的英语作文 360问答搜索登录微信朋友圈微博QQQQ空间复制链接字号调整取消标准大超大巨大 和现在环境情况对比的英语作文 LV 2013 10 13 满意答案LV2013 10 13My beautiful hometown My hometown is… Waists, population, in the mountains, there are many trees and flowers. But a certain season. Mountain was covered with colorful flowers. Really wonderful! The mountain with water and life, the feeling is really rain attendance. Ah. The sunset, the entire villages are printed blushed, wonderful! I know it is miss also just imagine… The village children really cute, but the baby at home, family liked their own child. For their own child brings happiness, happy family! How I envy them! I can only look stupid, silently in a daze corner of envy others. My village has undergone earth shaking changes. Basically has the following: 1 village is surrounded by mountains, people planted trees, a river flows from the village 2 in recent years village, great changes have taken place in the village have factories, hospitals, schools and shops. 3 the villagers living standards have improved. … … My village, beautiful, rich and prosperity, leave your attention. Interested, hope everybody many into my village, my life, my world. 我美丽的村庄 我的家乡叫…,在山腰间,人口稀少,山上有很多的花草树木。在每个季节都会开花。 山上开满了各色各样的花儿,真美啊!依山伴水而生活,那种快乐感真的仿佛“雨后初晴” 啊. 夕阳西落,把整个村庄都印得通红,好美啊!我对它既是怀恋,也是想象… 村子里的小孩真的很可爱的,他们可是家里的宝贝呢,家里人都很喜欢他们自己的孩子.为他们自己的孩子带来了快乐,幸福的一家人!我多么的羡慕他们啊!我只能痴痴的望着,默默的在某个角落里发呆地羡慕别人… 我们村子里发生了翻天覆地的变化.主要有以下几条: 1.村子四面环山,人们大量栽植树木,一条小河从村里流过. 2.近年来村子里发生了巨大的变化,村里有工厂、医院、学校和商店. 3.村民们的生活水平大有提高. … … 我的村子里的美丽、发达和繁荣,都离不开你们的关注啊.有兴趣的话,希望大家来参观我的村子、我的生活,到我的生活里来吧.!918 您可能感兴趣的内容 查看更多相关问题



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