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2020-09-26 22:20:02

I cann t never belive that it is so a lucky what I face today. for what? you know that I felt upset for the pass day because Icann t find a work which working on summer holiday.but now I get a work,and get it by unexpectedly.This morning I got on the bus to the middle of the city to look forthe job ,when I sat down I saw a woman who seem sick get on the bus,but that time there aren t free seats,thought for a momment ,I stand up to let the woman sit down,the woman seem felt grateful,and we started to talk . when I told her that I wanted to look for a job which working on the holiday,the woman smole ,and she told me that her company wanted to recruit several employees if I wanted she can introduce me to her company. lessoning this information I felt so exciting that time. and now I feel so a lucky day ot is this day

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  1. 2021-02-10 17:27林城雪[北京市网友]IP:1728821062


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