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求你篇英文作文 看图说话

2020-09-26 22:25:01

For university students,this is a very oppotunity to study independantly so dull homework could be useless.The most spirit admired by the first university of human civilization is to act and think independantly,which is a very very creative thinking.Homework is like something that is for high school students fot repeated work.You repeat and you get better marks.Well,it is not this case in university.In university,the most important of all to study independantly and that is to say to do self study.Professors just lead you into a field and the rest of time is for you,students to do the further exploration by self study.Homework could be something that is satisfatory for some professors for their own way of thinking but not rational for a student who has quick wit and full capacity of self study.So I state clear:University student can do self study without homework.



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