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80词 英语作文 my dream 提示1. 梦想成为作家 2.为什么想成为作家?

2020-09-26 22:40:01

I want to be a writerEveryone has a dream about their future,if you ask me whats my dream,I will tell you that I want to be a writer.I like reading very much since I was a child and enjoyed myself very much,then I want to write some stories to make other happy as the writers do.So I practice to write something in my free time,by doing that I feel very comfortable because sometimes I write some opinions about the life,the society,I think these will help me in the way of being a writer.我想成为一个作家,每个人都有他们对未来的梦想,如果你问我什么是我的梦想,我会告诉你,我想成为一个作家。我非常喜欢读书因为我是一个孩子,玩得非常开心,然后我想写一些故事让彼此幸福的作家做。所以我的做法在我的空闲时间写点东西,这样我觉得很舒服,因为有时我写的关于生活的一些观点,社会,我认为这将帮助我成为一个作家的方式.或者:I want to be a writer Your greatest ideal is when a writer, and I love writing, like loves his own country, hand as a pen, can write all the world the true, the good and the beautiful. Write the world feeling and love. Inspiration instantaneous perfusion in the tip, the slowly flowing on the paper.If I were a writer I will write a lot of a lot of articles, use of the authors words brought the food of spirit, with emotional awakening of the inner desire.I can enjoy writing, writing, I think anything, a beautiful Chinese, like I heroic soul hailed in the shout. Only in writing, I thought will be expanding, without any constraint, the wanton sense, perfectly.Promoted to the junior middle school, after ? Your greatest ideal is when a writer, and I love writing, like loves his own country, hand as a pen, can write all the world the true, the good and the beautiful. Write the world feeling and love. Inspiration instantaneous perfusion in the tip, the slowly flowing on the paper.你最大的理想是当一个作家,我喜欢写作,就像爱自己的国家,作为一笔,可以写世界上所有的真善美。写世界的情与爱。灵感瞬间灌注在尖,慢慢的在纸上流动。If I were a writer I will write a lot of a lot of articles, use of the authors words brought the food of spirit, with emotional awakening of the inner desire.如果我是一个作家,我会写很多很多的文章,用作者的话带来的精神粮食,与内心情感的觉醒。I can enjoy writing, writing, I think anything, a beautiful Chinese, like I heroic soul hailed in the shout. Only in writing, I thought will be expanding, without any constraint, the wanton sense, perfectly.我喜欢写作,写作,我想,一个美丽的中国,像我的英雄的灵魂在呐喊欢呼。只有在写作,我认为要发展壮大,没有任何约束,肆意的感觉,完全。Promoted to the junior middle school, after ?升入初中后,?***************************************************************************************************************^ ^真心祝你健康,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************************************************************顺便给个赞,O∩ ∩O谢谢!专业翻译,专打水军知道专业翻译机你有问题,我来解答芝麻一帮一,问题全无一万千芝麻是一家,团结合作靠大家不明白请及时追问,敬请采纳,O∩ ∩O谢谢 !记得采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~ 亲,新的1年开始,祝好事接2连3,心情4季如春,生活5颜6色,7彩缤纷,偶尔8点小财,烦恼抛到9霄云外!



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