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2020-09-26 22:40:01

in summary, it seems impossible that for every person that is subjected to media scrutiny, his or her reputation will eventually be diminished. millions of people are mentioned in the media every day yet still manage to go about their lives unhurt by the media. normal individuals that are subjected to media scrutiny can have their reputation either enhanced or damaged depending on the circumstances surrounding the media coverage. the likelihood of a diminished reputation from the media rises proportionally with the level of notoriety that an individual possesses and the outrageousness of that persons behavior. the length of time in the spotlight can also be a determining factor, as the longer the person is examined in the media, the greater the possibility that damaging information will be discovered or that the individual will do something to disparage his or her reputation. but to broadly state that media scrutiny will diminish anyones reputation is to overstate the distinct possibility that, given a long enough time and a certain level of intensity of coverage, the media may damage a persons reputation.



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