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英语作文范文:关于垃圾分类的英语作文范文 供参考!

2020-09-26 22:40:01


Topic 2: The Significance of Waste Sorting

1. 垃圾对居住环境的威胁越来越大

2. 垃圾分类的重要性

3. 提倡垃圾分类的重要性

The Significance of Waste Sorting

People are producing waste every day, which is a huge burden on the planet s habitat. Some waste is not ①degradable naturally, which will exist forever, but some waste can be recycled and reused again.

Waste sorting can help divide the reusable waste from the rest. And three are two reasons for doing this. ②Firstly, the earth is limited in its natural resources, and many products are made from ③finite resources, which cannot be generated by nature in a short period of time. Simply dumping this kind of products is wasting resources. ④Secondly, some part of the waste is of value. To reuse and recycle this kind of waste is to save resources ⑤to a large extent, which also contributes to environmental protection.

Sorting waste is a meaningful deed. If everyone can do it,small things can make a big positive impact on the environment.

① 非限定性定语从句,长句。说明垃圾对环境的威胁。

② Degradable意为 可分解的

③ 指出应该进行垃圾分类的原因,分别用 Firstly 和 Secondly 引导。

④ finite 意为 有限的 。

⑤ to a large extent 很大程度上 ,为亮点短语。


Society produces a lot of rubbish, such as leftover food, waste paper, plastic bottles and batteries every day. It has become a big headache in every city. How to solve this problem? I think rubbish classification is a good way of dealing with it.

Firstly, rubbish classification can reduce the amount of rubbish and the rubbish pollution to the environment. What s more, it can recycle resources, which will do good to our environmental protection.

Since rubbish classification has so many advantages, our government should take effective measures and immediate actions. Different dustbins should be placed in public places so that citizens can leave their sorted rubbish in them.


As is encouraged to protect the environment,rubbish classification is very necessary.It can save the money and the time for a country to deal with rubbish and it also can enhance the quality of people.Concerning the benefits of rubbish classification,China has done something really wisely.Now we can see all kinds of rubbish bin in the street,in the park,in the community and so on.And rubbish classification is now deeply rooted in people s mind.I m really appreciate that.



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