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2020-09-26 22:50:01

I dont think I have read many books. nevertheless, I attach much importance to reading. A Chinese proverb says, "Its always a good thing to open a book. " in other words, reading is always beneficial. Despite the fact I am not widely read, I can rest contented that the few books I have ever read really greatly added to my knowledge. Still, if you want me to name the book that I like best and has largely shaped my life, I will definitely say it is the Bible. We know human life consists of three parts: first, physical life. second, mental and intellectual life. third, spiritual life. The second and third parts I fine in the Bible. The Bible has two portions, the Old Testament and the New Testament. You will marvel at the rich contents of the Bible when you read it. "People have told me that their lives have changed because of me. I take away from this the sense that Im on the right track." "I believe youre here to live your life with passion. Otherwise, youre just traveling through the world blindly and theres no point to that." "Oprahs on." Its the catchphrase that inspires millions around the world to tune in to one of the most trusted women in the history of television. Almost everyone follows Oprahs every move. One word about a book club selection sends an obscure first novel rocketing to the top of the bestseller list. Oprah Winfrey possesses what is arguably one of the worlds most influential voices. Alive with her unique warmth and insight, Oprah Winfrey Speaks reveals the mystique of Oprah in her own words. Drawing on hundreds of sources, Janet Lowe provides an evocative, personal portrait. Here are Oprahs opinions on everything from childhood and overcoming adversity to dealing with fame and staying real. Oprah Winfrey Speaks highlights Oprahs abiding faith, no nonsense business rules, generosity, and love as well as her 10 commandments for lifelong success. Oprahs lifetime theme has been personal transformation shes constantly seeking, questioning, changing, and growing. This uplifting theme echoes throughout Oprah Winfrey Speaks. Here is just a hint of the wisdom youll discover: * "Just tell the truth. Itll save you every time." * "Dont complain about what you dont have. Use what youve got. To do less than your best is a sin. Every single one of us has the power for greatness, because greatness is determined by service to yourself and to others." * "I am a woman in progress. Im just trying like everyone else. I try to take every conflict, every experience and learn from it. All I know is that I cant be anybody else. And its taken me a long time to realize that." * "If youre angry, be angry and deal with it. Dont go eat a bag of Ruffles." * "God blesses you better when you pray on your knees." The world listens when Oprah Winfrey Speaks Heres just a hint of the wisdom youll find inside... "I am what I am because of my grandmother. My strength. My sense of reasoning. Everything. All that was set by the time I was six." "Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." "I always feel if you do right, right will follow." "You know the old clich , a good man is hard to find? Well, its true. And the smarter you get, the harder they are to find." This book has not been prepared, approved, licensed, or endorsed by Oprah Winfrey, Harpo Productions, or by any entity that creates, produces, or broadcasts THE OPRAH WINFREY SHOW.



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