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2020-09-26 23:55:01

This is a doomed is half man and half demon and human full of sad love story.The 6 year old girl Takegawa Keia,on the road back to Grandpa home country in the summer,in the living God,the devils mountain "mountain forest" lost.Then,a masked juvenile silver,promised the firefly band out of the forest.Silver is a half human,half demon boy,if he touches the human will disappear,so Hotaru cannot touch the silver.Then,in each year of the summer,firefly will return to the country,hope and silver reunion,year after year,become between the fluorescent silver stand gracefully erect and also produced a feeling of love,but they even touching each other to do.Then silver promise ceremony with fireflies go to the monster,two persons hands tied with white,just like in the date.When silver finally ended because of touching the human sacrifice and is about to disappear,but silver laughed at Hotaru said:"come on!Fireflies!Finally I can touch you!" Two people tightly embrace together,although only a moment,but is the eternal for them.Silver eventually turned into little fluorescence,disappear in the night sky.



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