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2020-09-27 00:30:01

要点1.学生应该守时、守信、不撒谎、不说脏话2.礼貌待人、热心助人3.遵守交通规则,不在公共场合喧哗,不乱扔垃圾4.请你就此话题再补充一个个人看法要求1.不要逐字翻译how to behave well ? As a middle school student,we should pay attention to our daily behaviour. First,we should be punctual,that is to say,we should do anything in time.Second,we should be polite to others.Besides,we should obey the school rules.Whats more important, we should not do anything to hurt others . If we behave well,we will be respected by others because we respect them. Firstly, as a student, we shouldnt be late for school. And every people should go to work on time. Secondly, we must respect the olders. We should help our parents do some housework. Third, everyone should follow social rules. For example, when you walk, you should walk at the side of the road. Always be careful and look left annndd righttt before you cross the road. When you are in a bus , you shouldnt speak loudly. How to behave to Behaving well is the secret of getting on well with others. Students should not be late for school and class.Students cant lie and say the words that are rude.Students are supposed to help others and be polite to everybody.We must obey the rules of traffic.Because its very easy for the person who can obey the rules to avoid the traffic accident.Students mustnt shout in public,such as in school,in shopping center and in supermarket.Students cant throw the litter everywhere.If that happened,our beautiful and clean city would be ugly and dirty.So everyone should stop from this behaviuor.When the students see the teachers,they should greet the teachers.Students have to listen to teachers carefully in class and do their homework themselves. This is all my advice.If you do ,I believe that its very easy for you to behave well.



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