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2020-09-27 00:45:01

How to find a good jobIt is well known that finding a good job is such an important issue that even everyone dreams of. However, how to find a suitable job has become a noticeable problem in the society. For example, many people cannot find jobs, not because they don’t have the related ability just because of the improper ways and skills during the period of job hunting. We know that finding suitable jobs also need some methods and technique. In my point of view, I think we should know three aspects clearly before we look for jobs. To begin with, try to know yourself very well. It contains the scales of your knowledge, skills, personality traits, hobbies and health. Before finding jobs, you must have an entire acquaintance of yourself, what kinds of jobs you are good at or not. In practice, it is not difficult to find that some graduates have high aspiration but low abilities, because they haven’t got any work experiences. Obviously you know that you are not capable of doing that, give it up. Secondly, you need to know the occupations and business that you are interested in Ask about the content of the job, the nature of the job and the requirements of the job. You can get this information from those who have took these kinds of jobs already, probably they could offer you a lot related and helpful information and advice in time. Besides, you could also get to the Internet to find more about the job description. On the other hand, you can get more indirect experiences from the failure lessons sometimes, which can prevent you from making the same mistakes ; and you can also learn successful experience that may greatly influence you in the future. Finally, try to ‘sell ’yourself. In other words, make yourself impressive to others. On the basis of knowing yourself and work, you can start hunting. Hunting jobs is the process of getting people to know you. You can go to some links online, besides the information of the company, job requirements, work locations, and so on, you also need to set up a good image of yourself. Seeking jobs is much like selling goods. If you want your customers to buy your products, you must tell them how advanced the quality is , how reasonable the prize is, how valuable the service is. At the same time, you should always raise the confidence that “I’m sure I ’m competent to do this job.” Then you can try to sell yourself in the interviews; probably your excellent performance could be the best way to show your competence and suitability.



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