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“我最喜欢的网站”英语作文 帮我写一篇!七小时内

2020-09-27 09:50:01

I like this! Theres a lot of content my friends have shared on Facebook thats pretty awesome. For instance, in the last few days Ive seen photos from a friends wedding, an article about U.S. President Obamas ongoing transition and status updates from a friend traveling in India.Weve just introduced an easy way to tell friends that you like what theyre sharing on Facebook with one easy click. Wherever you can add a comment on your friends content, youll also have the option to click "Like" to tell your friends exactly that: "I like this."Recently, I had a friend write a note about running her first marathon and another friend upload pictures of his new baby. In both cases, they ended up with over 30 comments, all saying: "Awesome!" "Congrats!" The aggregation of the sentiment "I like this" makes room in the comments section for longer accolades.This is similar to how you might rate a restaurant on a reviews site. If you go to the restaurant and have a great time, you may want to rate it 5 stars. But if you had a particularly delicious dish there and want to rave about it, you can write a review detailing what you liked about the restaurant. We think of the new "Like" feature to be the stars, and the comments to be the review.Your friends, and their photos, notes, statuses and more are what make Facebook great. When your friends share something great, let them know you like it.



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