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2020-09-28 22:20:02

立即?题目话题作文:即将到来的假期,你打算怎样度过呢?是去旅游,去放松玩乐还是去做一些其它有意义的事情?请以“Doing Something in Summer Holiday”为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈你的想法.(提示:先将题目补充完整,可用meaningful,relaxing,interesting等.)作业帮用户 英语 2017 04 03一秒拍照搜题,解决作业难题~优质解答参考范文: Doing Something Meaningful in Summer Holiday It’s important to do something meaningful in summer holiday. I can do many things to help others as well as to improve myself.Maybe I can work as a volunteer to help more people.For example I can go to see old people in old people’s home.It will be a wonderful thing if I talk with them and bring laugher to them.Of course,I will meet many new people and make friends with them during my meaningful holidays.Besides,I can read some books to open my mind and learn some new things at the same time.All the good and meaningful things I’ve done in the holiday can make me a better person. Make a good plan for your summer holiday and do something meaningful.



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