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英语作文:我最珍贵的礼物 不少于60字

2020-09-28 23:30:01

天堂,孩子问上帝:“上帝爷爷,为什么我要去人间呢?” Heaven, the child asked god, "god, why do I have to go to grandpa human?" 上帝抚摸着孩子的脸庞,说:“因为,是时候让你去人间经受考验了,人间的苦难会帮你锻炼你的性格。” God touched the childs face, said: "because, it is time for you to earth, the test human suffering will help you exercise your character." 孩子想了想,又问:“那如果我被欺负了怎么办?” The child thought to ask again: "that if I was bullying, what should we do?" 上帝微笑着说:“我会送你一个礼物,是一位天使,天使的名字,叫——妈妈。 God smiled and said: "I will send you a gift, is an angel, angels name, called mommy. 于是,我降临在这个世界上,以第一声啼哭证明我的存在。 So, I came in this world, to first sound proof of the existence of me crying. 一点点,一天天,我越来越大,终于开口叫出了第一个词,“妈妈”。 A little, day after day, Im more and more big, said at the first word is, "mother". 渐渐地,我十三岁了,记得有一次,我做作业做得很晚,时钟上的指针指向十点。 Gradually, Im thirteen years old, I remember one time, I do my homework do very late, the hands on the clock points to ten o clock. 我开始感到困倦,厌烦。 I began to feel sleepy, bored. 这时,妈妈走了进来,手上捧着一杯牛奶。 At this time, my mother came in, hand holding a cup of milk. 我看见了,说:“我做作业都来不及,还有什么心情喝牛奶!” I see, said: "I do my homework all too late, what the mood to drink milk!" 说完,我怒气冲冲地反手一打。 Say that finish, I angrily backhand a dozen. “砰”。 "Bang". 这一声杯子落地的声音,让我的心中泛起一阵涟漪,仿佛蜻蜓点水一般。 The sound of be born glass voice, let my heart a transitory ripples, as if dragonfly water generally. 我顿时清醒了,那是妈妈呀! I immediately awake, that is my mom! 我连忙站起身,对妈妈说:“妈,对不起。” I hurriedly stood up and said to her mother, "mom, Im sorry." 妈妈笑了笑,说:“没关系的,快做吧。” My mother smiled and said: "thats ok, do quickly. 我点点头,快速地把剩下的作业做完。 I nodded, and quickly put the rest of the homework. 回头看看妈妈,她还红着眼睛,哈欠连天地看着书。 Looking back at his mother, she also red eyes, even look at the book and yawn. 我默默地起身,走回了房间,而心中却有一阵酸楚,妈妈一直拖着疲惫陪着我。 I silently arose, and went back to the room, while heart has a pang of emotion, mother always drag exhaustion with me. 妈妈,真好。 Mom, good. 其实,上天给我的最珍贵的礼物,不就是一直在我身边的妈妈么。 In fact, the god to give me the most precious gift, is not always in my sides mother?



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